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Code of Conduct NVvT

Roleplay actors can have a big impact on a participant’s learning process. This means that roleplay actors bear responsibility for aspects such as professionalism, integrity, trustworthiness and skillfulness. Accordingly, the NVvT has drawn up a code of conduct for its members. Members of the NVvT vow to uphold the code of conduct upon admission to the association.

Code of Conduct of the Dutch Association for Roleplay Actors (NVvT)
Members of the NVvT agree to adhere to the following rules:


  1. Members adhere to the rules as set out in this code of conduct.
  2. Members aim to relate to one another on the basis of trust in and respect for each other’s expertise in the area of roleplay acting.
  3. Members hold each other accountable for adhering to the rules in the code of conduct.
  4. Members handle interpersonal relationships with utmost care, both those with clients and with colleagues.
  5. Members offer participants (in training, assessments, management games, coaching programs and related forms of experiential learning) the opportunity to learn by doing, and thus expand their repertoire of behaviors and improve the efficiency of their conduct.
  6. In the case of a potential conflict of interest, members will disclose this potential issue to their client before accepting an acting gig.

Assignment acceptance

  1. Members only accept assignments where they are certain they can bear the responsibility of the execution of it, and they take into account any limitations in their own expertise and experience.
  2. Members inform themselves of all topics that could reasonably be expected to be crucial for the satisfactory execution of the assignment.
  3. If required, members provide relevant information about their educational background, experience and qualifications.


  1. Members treat as confidential all information they receive from the client and/or participants in a training, assessment, management game or coaching program. They will only use the information for the satisfactory execution of their assignment and only when the use of the information has not been expressly denied.


  1. Members aim to achieve and maintain a high level of professionalism in the performance of the roleplay acting profession.
  2. Members take any and all complaints from clients and/or participants seriously and settle disputes within a reasonable period of time.